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By Ida Dorsey

Tee shirt printing has been vastly popular since pop culture references and other types of media has influenced it. There are so many inexpensive ways in achieving this, and it is to each their own techniques. But what is special to this is that any person, provided with the right materials and knowledge, can do this themselves.

There are a few things you need to get before doing this. A lot of custom screen printing services in Fort Worth TX have certain materials also that they use to generate shirt designs that their customers want from them. Although you can do the same in a small scale if you want to try it out.

This is done by first coating the screens in photo emulsion then seemingly cut an image out from it by using bright light. What you need are necessary materials to be able to do this, and with careful and attention to detail, this would be done well. Just make sure you have everything set up and ready.

The materials that you would need for this procedure includes a screen frame or you can also use an old frame that can tightly hold the screens. Next is you need a photo emulsion with sensitizer, and then a bulb which is two hundred fifty watts which can be bought for four dollars, and latex gloves. The room you use should be pitch black.

Other stuff you should have is a squeegee and then a shirt or clothing that you want to be printed with. You should also get a garbage bag or any plastic to spill proof your workstation or desk. What this does is that you have all the freedom to do the designs and whatever you want with the customizations.

First, have the screens set up in the frame evenly and tightly. Apply the emulsion which comes in two parts which is the sensitizer and the and the main emulsion. Lay on a garbage bag below it and then start spreading the mixture using a squeegee. Make sure it is even and it comes in a thin layer.

After fully spreading it you have to leave it on a pitch dark room for about two hours or more until it dries. Go into the room but make sure it is not exposed to any light just yet. Print out the design you have in a clear sheet and then using masking tapes, tape it over the screen. This is what makes it cut out the design on the layer of emulsion.

Turn on the lamp and let it be exposed to the light for fifteen minutes. See if it already looks good after peeking through the faint cut outs, if not, let it stay for a bit longer. Overexposure can let the image bleed that is why you need to be careful.

Clean the screens off with running water until the dried emulsion on the design or the cut out parts are completely gone. Let it dry and lay it over the shirt with the cardboard inside it. Apply the ink over it and spread it using a squeegee over different directions, making sure it is evenly spread. Carefully take it out and let it dry.

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