Social Pages

By Robert Sutter

It's apparent that there has been quite a bit of debate on the topic of Ben Affleck being cast as Batman. I don't think that anyone can argue that the comic book-loving crowd is one of the most intense and it's clear that they were not happy about this casting choice. I have to wonder, though, whether or not the concerns of the fans are going to be founded ones? Judging by the knowledge that a social marketing coach has, I think that there are a few factors to consider.

It was recently reported that a petition was going around online, basically rallying against the firing of Affleck from the movie. Nearly 70,000 individuals signed it and their opinion was cleared: Affleck could not handle such a dynamic role. That being said, I believe that this is one topic of discussion that should be given more room. It deserves to be talked about, especially when you think about the idea that Affleck was not the only Batman actor the general public refused to believe in.

Michael Keaton is currently regarded as one of the better actors to have ever portrayed Bruce Wayne but you wouldn't have known this before the Tim Burton movies were released. The same man who had prominent roles in "Mr. Mom" and "Beetlejuice" couldn't possibly portray someone who was seen as such a dark persona, right? However, Keaton embraced the role and became one with Batman, it seemed. Is it possible that the same can apply to Affleck, thereby making him a stunningly good choice to don the cowl?

I believe this to be the case, especially when you think about just how quick initial reactions can be. Sometimes you are not able to make the best assessment ten minutes after hearing the news, which is what many people did, myself included. Any social marketing coach can tell you that the majority of these reactions were made instantaneously; they were not able to develop for there to be better verdicts on the matter. It's worth letting news digest, as authorities like S-M-M-C can tell you.

I believe that everyone is going to be wondering, at least until the release of the Man of Steel sequel in 2015, whether or not Affleck will prove people wrong. I think that he has the potential to play a good Batman but to say that he will be able to bring all of the fans of the caped crusader on his side is stretching it. He may be an effective actor, of course, but can he fit the shoes of one of the most important superheroes ever? We will have to wait until 2015 to see.

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