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By John E. Swint

Small business plan One of the most important tasks to carry out when you are planning to launch a brand new small business, is to take time to prepare a fully functional small business plan.

I thought I would go through a step by step guide to what you need for an effective small business plan. Many people try and start a business without any true expectations for the future other then 'oh this is going to work'. You have to know exactly what "should" happen so that the surprises are less. In most cases surprises in business aren't positive.

You must have a plan for many different areas of starting a small business. How are you going to fund the start up fees? How do you expect to sell your product/service? How do you expect to pay your employees? How are you going to promote your company effectively? Most importantly and what most business owners don't think about is where do you want your business to be in 5...10...20 years?Creating the right small business plan is all about creating effective systems. A system is something that you can use over and over again in different situations to receive expected results. You at least have some idea of what's going to happen if you have the right systems in place.

I am writing this guide in small sections to allow you to follow the plan in your own time. This article will demonstrate the complete overview of what you will need to consider when writing your small business plan.

Small business plan - an overview There are 6 key elements to consider when preparing to write your business plan they are,Your business aim: this section should indicate your businesses generic goals and should also identify what areas you will need to research (such as marketplace, route to market etc) and also pinpoint an accurate timetable for your small business development.Stock: this section should demonstrate your products and/or services that your are planning to specialise in, where you may source your products and any legislation you may need to be aware of and comply to.

Every business is going to be different so think about anything that you need to spend money on to get it running. The next step you must consider is how are you going to get this start up money. Are you going to go to a bank for a loan? Are you considering finding a partner that can cover the costs with the agreement you can buy out the company later down the road? Do you want to talk with a wealthy family member about your business? Anyway you choose to get the money doesn't matter.

Financial: This is a key section and should clearly demonstrate your total costing's, direct expenses, projected stock holding (if applicable), accounting methods, sales tables and your sales targets and company budget controls.Timetable: When writing your business plan, you will need to focus on 'forward planning'. This will encompass you projecting a timetable of development .where do you see your company in 5 years for example.

Once you have all these areas done, you have to know how you are going to promote your business and keep the business coming in. This seems to be the biggest problem most business owners have. You know everything there is to know about your products/services, but you know nothing about marketing. That's expected too. Marketing is an expertise in itself. If you've read much of my blog, you know how I preach about smart marketing. Smart marketing is all about spending your hard earned dollar and getting more then you spent in return. In other words, big return on investment (ROI). Every market will be different and different marketing tactics will work in each of them. You have a huge list of options too. Newspapers, Yellow Pages, Radio, Television Ads,Fliers, postcards, promotion coupons,Referral programs,Internet marketing,Email marketing,Holding seminars and special events,Business to business referral programs

In my next article we shall begin attacking each aspect of the business plan in detail beginning with your business aims.I hope you find this resource useful and remember, taking a week or so to write your small business plan will save you time AND money in the future.

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