Social Pages

By Adam Noah

Do you use Facebook to promote your products? If not, you should look into creating a page for your brand and perhaps buying ad space on the popular social network.

Buying ad space on Facebook is an investment, but you the techniques used to target customers yield excellent results. People are encouraged to share information about themselves on Facebook, for instance by liking pages, using apps, sharing life events or even updating their status. Facebook uses all this information to determine which ads are best for users.

You can then run your ads either on the right hand side of the page, or in the news-feeds, which are in the center of the page. The ads that are run on the right side will go to a larger audience, but as a rule they will have a lower click through rate. The ads that are run in the news feed area in the center of the page, will not have nearly the number of people that will see the ad, but the click through rate will be higher, because the ad is more targeted.

If click through rates are your objective, then running your ad in the news feed is the optimal way for you to go. On the other hand, if total click throughs are your objective, the the right hand side will work best for you, because of the raw numbers you will be getting.

Buying ad space on Facebook is an excellent investment. Facebook has access to a lot of information about its users and can easily target the best customers for your ads. Don't forget that the text and picture you use for your ad are important too, since they will determine how likely or unlikely a user is to click on it.

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