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By Hedrick Lepsch

As you are attending one of the colleges in Flagstaff, you have probably spent a lot of time trying to decide what you want to do as a career once you graduate. Many people spend much of their precious time making sure they make the "right" decision.

There are a number of phlebotomist schools that interested students can attend right out of high school or college. Once you are enrolled, take classes that teach you about various aspects that phlebotomists generally deal with, like biology and chemistry.

Courses pertaining to these subjects will help you not only understand how the body functions, but also how blood reacts to various chemicals. If you have taken classes that support a phlebotomy career, then you will find it easier to get a job once you graduate.

The majority of accounting firms are going to put you in a small group as soon as you are hired and they want to make sure that you are going to complement the team. You should be comfortable in groups and you should be okay with being a team player.

Throughout your education you also want to make sure that you understand how you are going to display your leadership skills. Take positions in school that will display your ability and your willingness to lead groups and don't shirk away from the responsibility these positions bring.

Many students do not realize that accounting firms will start looking for new recruits in the fall and they will hire the recruits for the next year. This means, at the beginning of your last year you should be making time to meet with firms and start getting your name out there.

It takes most people a few tries to get to a point where they have picked a job or career that they really enjoy. It is easy for college students to think they will be an exception to this trend and that they will pick the best career for them on the first try.

If you want to branch out in the medical field once you get there, start working on other medical certifications. Many people who want to become nurses or perform other medical specialties often start by getting their certification in phlebotomy and then branching out to other areas. So don't be afraid to do the same thing if you're interested.

Phlebotomy is an excellent start to a career in medicine, that is not that far off if you play your cards right. Remember to consult these suggestions in order to have the best chance of becoming a phlebotomist.

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