Social Pages

By Robbie Sutter

Recently, Facebook rolled out its version 10.0 of its iOS app and to say that it had garnered attention would be an understatement. After all, it's important to note that Facebook has seemingly been gearing more to a mobile front. It's understandable as to why, given the fact that most people are on the move and have little time to actually sit down in front of a computer and work. Onto Facebook version 10.0, though, there are various features that are worth going over.

Amongst the features that were added to the app, the one that stood out to me was the changes in how messages are sent. Let's say that you decide to post a message on Facebook but you find yourself in a place with a weaker connection, like an airplane. In any case, if you send a message in this scenario but arrive at a location where a connection is prevalent, the message in question will be sent out in that moment. It's a handy addition to a program that's commonly utilized.

It is also one of the additions that any online marketing firm can focus on. After all, it's worth keeping in mind that firms such as fishbat recognize the importance of Facebook, whether or not it is used in the mobile sense. However, the mobile front is seemingly where Facebook is driving its attention towards. With this said, though, there are a couple of features that did not exactly meet the mark with many users and much of this comes from the way that the news feed has changed.

Specifically, the news feed has shifted in the sense that Facebook users can no longer see updates in the "Most Recent" category at the onset. Instead, posts are sorted by their popularity, which is something that not many long-time Facebook users are accustomed to. One can argue that news can still be sorted in the "Most Recent" sense, which is fair to say. However, given the fact that this can only be done through an arguably drawn-out process, not many casual users will take the time to go about this.

Overall, the latest Facebook update has been met with a mixed response, at best. Users desire freedom when it comes to the apps that they utilize, so companies should not make the mistake of taking certain aspects away. Those who are knowledgeable about social media will see that something is off and those who are new to social media might be turned away as well. I can only hope that the next update is one that will be able to please everyone who uses smartphones.

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