Social Pages

By Kelly Wood

You are probably wondering why you would want custom website development in New York. There is the perception that custom designs will be more expensive than a company that uses a template. However there are a number of different reasons why you want to invest that little bit more to get a bit more value for money.

There are two main ways of making a site. One way is to have a number of templates that represent a number of industries such as power companies, hotels and so forth. The designer then places the text, images, videos and so forth into that template to produce a final site.

A template means that the designer simply takes pages and puts your company name in them. While this in theory means it is a lot quicker and cheaper than having it specifically customized it does mean that it can make a site look bland. It means that your site will not particularly stand out to other companies that will use a similar template.

With a custom site you have more control over the look and the layout. This means that for better or worse your business will stand out. The best designers will create a distinctive image that is in keeping with the image of your business. For example the look of a website for a heavy metal band ought to be distinctly different from the look of a site for a five star hotel. This in terms of the kind of pictures used, text and how the content is presented to a potential customer looking at the site.

Another advantage is that a site that is customized is easier to develop and update. Over time templates can become outdated and if not properly updated can make your company look behind the times. This in turn can mean that new customers may be put off. It sounds superficial but if this is the only reference a new customer has then this is what they are likely to go on.

People often assume that something that is customized will be more expensive than one that is made from a template. This does not necessarily have to be the case. It is always worth comparing a number of different designers to see what they have to offer. When comparing designers look at their own sites. If they cannot present themselves well then it is unlikely that they can do the same for you.

It is worth looking beyond your immediate local area when comparing the different options available to you. Sometimes companies may charge a bit more if they feel that they have a target market to themselves or if they know their customers personally. While this can lead to a more personal service there is the danger that this can also mean that they do not stay competitive as they feel that people will not go elsewhere as it is more convenient to go to people near them.

In short when looking for custom website development in New York it is about looking at quality and what is best suited to your business. Ideally you want someone who is able to update and adapt to your requirements as your business grows. Indeed a number also offer graphic design and other services so it is worth comparing numerous designers before making a final decision. Look online to find what is available in your local area.

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